Create Reception Line Items

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

Description :

This API allows you to create reception line items. It can be used from various sources such as a web browser, native applications in Android, or iOS devices.


Endpoint :

Method : POST
URL Parameters Required
format=json (In the future, this parameter might change to become the default format)

Form Data Parameters :

business_unit_nameSpecify the business unit name Almiranta1 / Aurora
request_numberThe request number associated with the reception. AU-2020-4133
PO_number:The associated purchase order number 1
reception_numberThe reception number R1
vendor_currencyThe currency of the vendor. USD
assetThe asset related to the reception line item.
work_orderWork order details
general_cost_type_idID of the general cost type7
CER:CER (Cost Estimation Request) information.
quantity10Quantity of items being received
quantity_receivedQuantity received for the items 895
unit_costUnit cost of the items 9857
reception_dateThe date of the reception 2020-02-02
receiverThe receiver's name or identifier Receiver 1
acceptedQuantity of items accepted from the reception 10
rejectedQuantity of items rejected from the reception 2
unit_cost_vendor_currencyUnit cost of the items in the vendor's currency58
rateThe rate associated with the reception2
expense_type Type of expense, such as "Capital Expenditures".

Header Parameters :

Authorization :

					Bearer <Token> (Include a valid access token to authorize the API request)
Success Response :

Code: 200

Content :

  "code": 200,
  "message": "success",
  "data": []


Error Responses :


Content :

  "code": 401,
  "message": "fail",
  "data": {
    "error": "Invalid API Token"


Code: 400

Content :

  "code": 400,
  "message": "fail",
  "data": {
    "[field_name]": [
      "This field is missing."


Code: 400

Content :

  "code": 400,
  "message": "fail",
  "data": {
    "[PO_number]": "Multiple PO found!"

Curl Command :

Here’s an example of how you can use cURL to make a POST request to the API endpoint:

curl -X POST :

					'http://<server-ip-address>/custom_api/capex_track_reception_line_item/create' \

     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Token>' \

     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \

     -d 'business_unit_name=Almiranta1' \

     -d 'request_number=AU-2020-4133' \

     -d 'PO_number=1' \

     -d 'reception_number=R1' \

     -d 'vendor_currency=USD' \

     -d 'asset=Asset' \

     -d 'work_order=Work Order' \

     -d 'general_cost_type_id=7' \

     -d 'CER=CER' \

     -d 'quantity=10' \

     -d 'quantity_received=895' \

     -d 'unit_cost=9857' \

     -d 'reception_date=2020-02-02' \

     -d 'receiver=Receiver 1' \

     -d 'accepted=10' \

     -d 'rejected=2' \

     -d 'unit_cost_vendor_currency=58' \

     -d 'rate=2' \

     -d 'expense_type=Capital Expenditures'
Note :
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Create Reception Line Items

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